sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

Steam Autumn Sale

Steam, the platform where most PC gamers buy their games and play them (similar to the PlayStation Store or the XBOX Live Arcade) is having another sale, and there ae some crazy deals, as always. From November 27th to December 3rd, you can find deals such as Bioshock Infinite for 7,49€ or Saints Row IV for 19,99€. There are new deals every day at 6pm GMT time, and over a 100 that stay over these days. If you haven't got Steam on your PC/Mac, here's a link to the site and the download (which is in the top right corner of the webpage)http://store.steampowered.com/ . Hurry up before this ends, and we'll see you in the next post!

quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013

PS4 Launch

As you know, the PS4 is about to release, and with it, some great exclusives or just good ports. The console is to release on the 19th November in the US and on the 29th November in Europe. We will be reviewing the PS4 system, and some of its games, but for now, here's some games we consider checking out:

  • Killzone: Shadow Fall- It´s the sequel to the Killzone franchise, and its first entry on the PS4, a gorgeous first-person-shooter, that seems very fun, and definetly worthy of your time.

  • inFamous: Second Son- The sequel to inFamous 2, that gives you a new protagonist and a different city, along with new powers to play with and a beautiful world to do it in. For those who liked the series, or just like third person shooters with great parkour, it´s a game definetly worth checking out. 

  • Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag- The newest installment in the beloved franchise brings us to beautiful islands and seas, to enjoy the stealthy action and great parkour of the Assassin's Creed series. We recommend you play it on the PS4, as it does improve the graphics and give you 60 minutes of additional gameplay. 

So, that's our main games list we think you should check out, but also consider looking into Knack, The Witness, Sound Shapes and Flower, as they are interesting games, especially Flower and Sound Shapes. We didn't put Watch_Dogs in the list because it was delayed, and it's only coming out in April or June. If you think we missed any game, post it in the comments, and we'll see you in the next post.

quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2013

Minecraft 1.7.2 Update

Minecraft, as you may know, is a mainly PC game, in which you can build fantastic structures, play multiplayer mini-games with friends, or try to survive in the wilderness to killl the Ender Dragon. It's regularly updated, and the 1.7.2 update came out last week.
Minecraft 1.7.2 introduced lots of changes, but we're only going to talk about the major ones. However, we'll leave a link to the full changelog so you can know all the minor tweaks and stuff we didn't cover.

  • First off, there are lots of new graphical and sound settings. You can know set the sound of different things separately, like weather, creatures and player sounds. There are more graphics settings, as you can set the render distance by chunks and set a max framerate. Also, a new section called "Super Secret Settings" has been introduced, in which you can set Minecraft to use some cool shaders. And finally, in the technical department, you can finally sprint by holding down Ctrl or any key that you bind it to.

  • New items have been added, like more flowers, red sand, stained glass, a new type of ice, a new type of dirt called "podzol", and fishing rod enchantments. There have been added lots of biomes, and they are now connected according to their temperatures, so the snow biome can no longer be connected to a desert, for example

So those are the changes we consider more relevant, but for a full list of the changelog, visit http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Version_history#1.7.2 .
Thanks for reading, and we'll see you next post!

quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013

Game Of The Year Watch- October 2013

Hi people! Today, we´re doing our first Game Of The Year Watch, which is not our Game of The Year, it's just the list of candidates so far. Enjoy, and comment which games you think should be in this list.

  • The Last of Us (9,8 )- For those who didn´t play it, it's a fantastic PS3 exclusive, a third person shooter, with a great story and multiplayer, and remarkable acting from almost all the characters. It´s a must-buy for all PS3 owners, and one that will be remembered as a classic, for many years.

  • Bioshock Infinite (9.0)- A great first person shooter, with amzing visuals, excellent gameplay and a solid plot and story. It also has a really fun DLC, with many challenges and trophies. It´s a great third entry in the Bioshock franchise.

  • Grand Theft Auto 5 (9.5)- The long awaited fifth entry on the GTA series provides an excellent story, very dynamic and fun gameplay, and lots of hours of content. It is not available for the PC yet, but PS3 and XBOX owners can experience this fantastic game, that came out better than the most of us thought it would.

  • Rayman Legends (9.3)- A beautiful and very fun platformer, with great co-op missions and excellent level design, and innovative gameplay mechanics. It has dozens of unlockables, so you'll have a lot to do when you finish the 12 hours of singleplayer.

And that's our list. Keep in mind that we have still some games to review, so the list will definetly be bigger by the end of the year. If there's any game that you really liked and think that should be in this list, don't forget to leave a comment telling us which one it is. Thanks for reading, and we'll see you in the next post!

segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

Beyond: Two Souls First Impressions

Quantic Dream® has really brought it a after the award-winning Heavy Rain. We've played a couple hours so far, and for us it looked promising. The graphics are amazing. The developer has really pushed the PS3's hardware limits, to end this generation of consoles in a big boom. The acting is excellent, and both Ellen Page and Wilem Dafoe do their parts in a way that makes te story even more compelling.
Gameplay is where the controversy lies, and mainly because it's very strange. You do things you wouldn't consider gameplay, like switching pillows at night or falling asleep. We think it's a great change of pace, very innovative and risky, but successful. The parts where you control Aiden are also very fun.

Beyond: Two Souls is a triumph of interactive gameplay so far, and although many people don't enjoy the fact that it is pretty much an interactive movie, for us, it looks like it's gonna be an experience worth having, and a serious Game Of The Year candidate. 
We're sorry if this is too little information but we've only played it for a while. But we will be posting a review, although it might be in late November or December.
See you on the next post!

quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013

Battlefield 4 Beta First Impressions

Hi people! Today, we'll be giving our first impressions on the Battlefield 4 beta. Keep in mind we played it on PS3 and PC.
First off, let's start with the graphics. Although they are great, even on ultra settings on PC, at 1080p, we didn't seem to find that much of a difference with Battlefield 3. There sure are some improvements, but they are not as groundbreaking as Battlefield 3's. 
Now, gameplay. 
The shooting and piloting mechanics are pretty much the same, although there was some changes in button-mapping, for the better. PS3 is still having a lack of players in most matches, as 24 is a small number for such a big map. The PC didn't have that problem, as finding matches with 50 or more players was very easy. There are still 4 classes: assault, recon, engineer and support, but, as it is a beta, they are not very customisable. The beta map, Siege of Shanghai, has a destructible  skyscraper, that makes the battle more dynamic, because the terrain and capture point change. There are only 3 modes in the beta: Domination, Conquest and Obliteration. The first two are very much the same, except Conquest is on a larger scale. Obliteration is a gamemode where you have to destroy certain targets around the map to win, and it's a good change of pace.
Overall, the beta is a little disappointing, because there aren't that much changes over Battlefield 3. For now, we don't recommend the game, unless you're a Battlefield fan and just want to keep playing with new maps and modes. We'll see if it's better when the game launches. See you next time!


Hi people! We're starting a gaming blog, in wich we are going to feature game reviews, news, and first impressions. Just about all you need to know about games. We'll be posting every week, if not every two days. And by the way, check out our friends at www.gamingtdm.blogspot.pt . See you in the first post!