segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

Beyond: Two Souls First Impressions

Quantic Dream® has really brought it a after the award-winning Heavy Rain. We've played a couple hours so far, and for us it looked promising. The graphics are amazing. The developer has really pushed the PS3's hardware limits, to end this generation of consoles in a big boom. The acting is excellent, and both Ellen Page and Wilem Dafoe do their parts in a way that makes te story even more compelling.
Gameplay is where the controversy lies, and mainly because it's very strange. You do things you wouldn't consider gameplay, like switching pillows at night or falling asleep. We think it's a great change of pace, very innovative and risky, but successful. The parts where you control Aiden are also very fun.

Beyond: Two Souls is a triumph of interactive gameplay so far, and although many people don't enjoy the fact that it is pretty much an interactive movie, for us, it looks like it's gonna be an experience worth having, and a serious Game Of The Year candidate. 
We're sorry if this is too little information but we've only played it for a while. But we will be posting a review, although it might be in late November or December.
See you on the next post!

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